Faith’s Dartily Journal

An animated image of 40


Art Shared This Week:

Art Fun GIF by Geo Law
Text Words Sticker by mswonderlymakesmusic

A Quote about Digital Minimalism that I think makes a case for niche social media platforms like Cara.

Digital Minimalism: “A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.”

Art Quote

Featured Shop Item

Arrow Orange GIF by Kyocera
Art Looking GIF by NdubisiOkoye

I’m now offering Social Media Management and Graphic Design services to artists and arts organizations! I have 4 clients already and have room for a

couple more.

I’ve always loved sharing art while working in galleries and now I want to help share artists voice online!

To make this affordable for artists my services start at only $150

Wanna Draw with me?!

I’ve joined the MuseLetter by Sktchy. The subscription supports my favorite artist community and I get draw-a-long lessons with some of Museum’s best artists…It’s so inspiring! Here’s a reference photo from one of the lessons.

Learn More
a man with a beard looking up at the camera
two dogs sitting in a dog bed in front of a window

The pups are loving the warmer weather. They’re constantly asking to go out to enjoy the sun….and eat cicadas :P

a cartoon character with the word art on it